About us

Do Great Things Association was born from the desire to do more and give back all the great things that three youngsters learned from their volunteering years.

D.G.T.’s mission is focused on creating a network between youngsters, students and researchers of different backgrounds and nationalities on topics such as: cultural exchange and learning, non-formal education, ecology, sustainable development, European citizenship, climate change, geopolitics and many more.
We have a vast experience in international projects, youth exchanges and we are involved in creating local projects with an impact on the community. International youth exchanges and multi-cultural activities are our main focuses because they give us the opportunity to transmit a message, change, and learn a lot of important things, essential for others but also for our development. We all believe that people should try and communicate more, should try and be more open with one another in order to cooperate better at all levels. Our members are young, dynamic, ambitious and willing to learn more about them and others.  
Besides implementing local projects we are trying to organize a youth exchanges, in Romania. We will apply at the earliest deadline. The idea of each project that we take part is to involve as much people no matter what age, gender, religion or culture. The exchanges of ideas and opinions can brought a bonus and have a significant impact on the community. We had the opportunity to apply the methods and tools after each experience and it was great to see the practical result. We are always looking creative ideas and a new perspective in order to Do Great Things with our NGO. 

Among other projects we applied in collaboration with other NGO’s for a project called „A Different Kind of Education".

A Different Kind of Education" was born out of the passion for non-formal learning shared by a group of young people and youth workers who have experienced the rigidity of Romania's national education system. As the product of 14 NGOs work, the project aims at identifying a set of concrete and effective measures leading to a better collaboration between formal and non-formal education, in order to increase the quality of the young Romanians' learning experience.
Our project will bring together 42 students and youth workers from throughout the country, youth policy responsibles and educational system professionals who will identify the best solutions to the system's problems through collaborating in a series of creative activities.
So, after a month of intense training, after a uniqui team-building, after an official release, where everyone will hear us, will finally be ready to promote non-formal education in conferences, to drink our coffee together with the actors of the Romanian educational system at the World Café, to photograph the discussed solutions using PhotoVoice, to be proud that our educational system still has a chance through organizing genuine exhibitions, to be creative organizing helpful and non-formal round tables, and in the end to join all in a National Youth Seminary, under the motto: “Together for a Different Kind of Education”.
The activities will take place in eight cities. The National Youth Seminary will be held in the north of the country, at Telciu, in Bistrita Nasaud district. The direct beneficiaries of the project are the young people involved in the project, which will acquire a range of skills that will help their personal and professional development. 
The main indirect beneficiary will be the Romanian education.